Back to the Desk: Strategies for an Effective Face-to-Face Meeting

You're back at your desk, and so is everyone else. It's time to buckle down and start meeting face-to-face again. But before you do, there are a few things you should know.

For starters, not every meeting requires a physical presence. In fact, in many cases, a video call will do just fine. And if you're the one initiating the meeting, be sure to consider the other person's time commitments and availability before scheduling.

But when it is time for a face-to-face meeting, there are a few things you can do to make sure it goes smoothly. Below, we've outlined some of the best tips for having an effective in-person meeting.

Preparing for an Effective Face-to-Face Meeting

First, take a look at the agenda and come prepared with questions and comments. If you can, try to get a sense of what the other person is hoping to achieve from the meeting. This will help you stay focused and on track.

How to Facilitate the Discussion

When it comes to facilitating the discussion, you want to make sure that everyone has a chance to be heard. This means that you need to be patient and let people speak in turn.

You can start by asking open-ended questions, which will give people the opportunity to share their thoughts on the matter at hand. And if someone is having trouble formulating a response, don't be afraid to give them a little nudge. Simply saying "tell me more about that" or "can you give me an example?" will help get the conversation moving again.

Strategies for Gathering Feedback During a Face-to-Face Meeting

In a traditional face-to-face meeting, it’s easier to read body language and facial expressions than on a Zoom call. While you should continue to actively listen and watch for nonverbal cues, there are other strategies you can use that will help you gather feedback in a face-to-face meeting.

First, ask open-ended questions that allow others to make thoughtful contributions. You can also encourage participation by allowing members of the group to take turns speaking. This helps ensure everyone has an opportunity to share their opinion and allows time for meaningful dialog.

Finally, avoid interrupting and focus on summarizing what was already said rather than projecting your own thoughts.

After the Meeting: What’s Next?

So, the meeting has come to an end, but your work isn’t over just yet. Once you’re back at your desk, it’s important to take the time to write up a recap of the meeting so that everyone involved is on the same page.

If there were any action items discussed during the meeting, make sure to follow-up with those as soon as possible. Make sure to note any deadlines or dates that were discussed and record any verbal agreements that may have been made. This will help prevent mistakes or misunderstandings in the future.

Although technology has made it possible for us to connect with people all over the world in ways that were never possible before, there is still something special and important about meeting in person.

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